: It's probably Blake because the Chapter is called "Blake" and
: anyone would imediatly think the person in the Ch. screen is Blake after
: reading the first terminal message in the level.
: Also, even even though he was a mechanical engineer, Durandal probably
: changed all the bobs he had into ranks
: (Green(minor),Blue(Major),Brown(Sergeant). Also, in the whole game Blake
: doesn't have an occular implant. And for the Security officer's helmet: I
: acualy don't know for sure. If you were looking at an original version,
: then the helmet probably isn't there in the final game. Im still pretty
: sure that that's Blake though.
Well... it's the same picture, but when Bungie got it, it appears that they not only cropped it and darkened it, they also cut out the helmet. If I remember, the greens were technicians, the blues were engineers, and the browns were security. Which would explain why the browns are the toughest of the bunch. In every picture we see of Blake, he has one eye in darkness. It's possible that the implant is hidden in shadow. Though the side he has in darkness in all the terminal pictures is the side in the light in the chapter screen. If the chapter screen was, in fact, originally intended to be the SO, this might explain that.