: Well, I could tell you how *I'd* do it, but that's less than useful... for
: the record, collection specified per-level; bitmap assignments and
: alignments per-surface.
Changing the level texture set (the thing Forrest referred to as a "little bit of data") only "cleared" the textures because the floors, ceilings, and lines that had the textures assigned to them were not in the newly-specified collection, and that collection was not loaded. What we will have to do is go through all the polygons and lines and change the collection in the shape_descriptor that is specified as the texture for that surface. While it's not as easy as we'd hope, this setup actually allows us to specify multiple texture sets per level (just like Chisel), although, just like Chisel, there is no way other than a physics hack to load the sets. We are not planning on adding the multiple set behavior for a long while, either.