Based on the Marathon 2 engine, Damage Inc.'s Ai (seems) far superior to Marathons. I'm curious, but has any attempt to incorperate the advanced pathfinding / squad command interface of Damage Inc. into Aleph One ever been made?
I've contacted the games author via his webpage;
To ask just that - and if he'd release any Ai code he wrote for the game.
I'm kicking myself for thinking about another project after WMaiD (one at a time Blayne...) but the prospect of a Marathon squad based scenario really appeals to me. My inspiration came from a dream level that was long ago removed from WMaiD. It involved the player assuming the role of a Bob emerging from a UESC dropship into battle.
A squad based BoB-centric scenario that follows a single team during the assualt on Pfhor Prime has equal components of pie and sky, but it's an interesting prospect.