I enjoyed it.
One minute M2:
Durandal: Ok, so we freed the S'Pht, saved Earth, and now we can go do some fun things on a distant moon. It'll be cool, I promise.
Nearby Sun: Boom! Whoooooooooo!
Security Officer: What in the seven holy hells is that?
Durandal: We'll know after the third game in the series.
Security Officer: Really?
Durandal: No.
Ending Screen: 10 thousand years after the end of this game, Durandal is still a jerk to humans. Some unknown AI goes Rampant when she fails to find anyone who knows who she is. Robert Blake and his buddies are the only humans who survived the events of Marathon One.
(Durandal laughs for 7 hours at 77% Ludicrous Speed...)