: If Apple had decided to support BOTH x86 AND PPC permanently, I would
: wholeheartedly support this move. As it is, they're basically telling
: their established PPC base "Go fuck yourself. Oh I'm sorry, here,
: have a cookie."
So would I. I have no faith in the x86 architecture, it should have been dead and buried a long time ago, nor do I like Intel which I consider just as bad as Micro$oft. The PPC holds lot of potential (which the new video game consoles should show) and it sad that IBM/Motorola have shown so little interest. IBM might be lagging behind, but what about Intel? How long since they promised the release of the 4 GHz P4?
Another thing: I hope Apple won't develop the same habbit as every other pc manufacturer out there of putting over-powered processors in their computers while knowing all the bottlenecks will make it impossible to use at its fullest potential. A Mac Mini at 1.2 or 1.4 GHz has all the power _I_ need at the moment. Will Apple try to pursuade its customers that they do not need the latest and most poerful processors?
Simply speaking I've been a Mac user for 15 years and I want my next Mac to be a PPC. I think applications will be released for the PPC for many years to come (very few projects these days use of architecture specific code), but i'm less optimistic as for how long Apple will be releasing new OS X versions. But who knows, they might continue developing for the PPC in case the x86-road proves to be just as bumpy.
As a CS student and (currently hobby) programmer I am tired of paying for endless upgrades to OS X. I know i'll be releasing my small projects as PPC-only binaries for some time to come. But i'm pretty certain, once i upgrade, all they will need is a recompile which means a click of the mouse and then wait for a few seconds.