Surfing the web for a place where people could talk about Marathon, after a long time of going afloat I just recently uncovered this forum. I've got to say that this is actually quite a thriller: I have yet to find another Marathon site in the entire web that's active enough. As a matter of fact, I have yet to find another online Marathon community altogether.
This is undoubtedly a pleasure unlike any other in the gaming world. I've been a real fan of the Marathon series for at least about 7 years now. It all started in '98, when I had my good ol' G3 fired up. While I was playing Solitaire (yes, as embarrassing as it may be to say), one of my friends who was visiting let me borrow one of his CD-ROMs, with a game he called "Marathon". Little did I know that within the following week, I would be dramatically affected, intrigued and amazed at what I now consider to be arguably the very best video game (not to mention story) ever to come into existence. As soon as I got to the 6th level, I was hooked from then on. No game has ever went to such lengthed extents to fuse classic mission shoot-em-ups with a shocking storyline. Also, Marathon was one of the only games that had background music and environment that fit in well with each level. It's very clear that Bungie worked hard to incorporate the sensation of being there--and enjoying it--into the game. For a week, whenever I had the time, I'd jump right onto that game and play it for hours, until, finally, I beat the game. Even after that, I replayed the game a couple of times to try and find out more from the plot.
One month later, I learn of its sequel. I begin playing it. The change shocked me. I played through the whole thing, and it had the same intrigue that Marathon did, in terms of plot. However, although I appreciated Bungie's taste for changing the environment, location and feel of Marathon, and their adding of features, with more vast worlds, I was a little disappointed. It felt like it had somewhat less depth or feel to it that Marathon did. Maybe if they had still kept the background music, although it felt good with the ambient sounds. I'm still considering playing Marathon Infinity, but there have been rumors of it being terrible. Nonetheless, I might still play it sometime.
But I'm afraid to say I can't really appreciate Halo.
Anywhat, being new, I'd like to get some things cleared up: Are there any interesting happenings regarding the Marathon series? (a.k.a. scenarios, source ports, etc.)
Secondly, I'd like everyone here to know that I often have a tendency to joke a lot with many people, often with heavy sarcasm and wit. This isn't in almost any case meant to offend people, but I'd like to know how well everyone here takes that in. I don't want to offend anybody here, so I'm asking in advance if nobody will be offended if I let off a bit of a joke.