| In Response To: Fog in an AO network level? (C Lund)
: I've made a few network levels since I found out how to play online with AO,
: and I'd like to try adding fog to some of them. I know how the script is
: supposed to look, for instance:
(Psst... XML tags don't work on the forum. Use [ and ] in place of < and >, or use spaces to keep them separate and not recognized as tags).
< opengl >
< fog on="true" type="0" depth="192" landscapes="false" >
< color red="0.67" green="0.67" blue=".6"/ >
< /fog >
< fog on="true" type="1" depth="6" >
< color red="0.067" green="0.133" blue="0"/ >
< /fog >
< /opengl >
(You can still see them hidden in the page source, though. Also, you need to use a PRE tag if you want margins to line up right. I've taken the liberty of changing the font color and size too, for readability).
: But how do I attach it to the map? Embedding resources don't seem to work.