: How would one be able to edit a few more weapon slots into Aleph One? Or
: Infinity? I'm making a scenario (I'm not making any big announcements yet,
: theres not much yet to make thats presentable to show its in progress),
: and I want to have a few more weapons, and I was wondering how one would
: program more weapons into Aleph One or Infinity. I know Doubleaught did it
: when they added the SMG, but I'm curious how to, and how if i did, how to
: edit the new weapon slot in Anvil.
To actually add a new slot like DA did for the SMG, would require you go in an reprogram some hard-coded values in the Aleph One engine.
Even then, you wouldn't be able to edit them in Anvil because Anvil relies on those same hard-coded values.
In practical terms, the only way to add more weapon slots is to "stack" weapons, where in one level a weapon slot is used for one weapon, and on another level it's used as a different weapon.