
Re: So I made a few textures
Posted By: AnaphielDate: 11/8/04 3:37 p.m.

In Response To: So I made a few textures (ukimalefu)

: For Marathon scenarios/levels or fan art.

: Comments and/or critics welcome.

Nice job man! You've got a pretty good start there, but there are some things you can do to push them up a notch.

When you're making textures, try to think about them as actual parts of a place. A texture is a wall covering or a door or a window or a sign, a real thing that has a material, a use, and a history.

The blue panels for example... what are they made of? To me they look like padded or soft plastic based on the shadows and highlights. I'd round off the corners if that's the case... if they're supposed to be metal or another hard material, re-thing the way they're rendered and the surface detail.

Once you know what they're made of, think of the history. Are they brand new, or have they been lining that busy corridor by the mess hall for the last twenty years? If they've seen some use, think about what kind of abuse they might have taken... what's run into them, where have they been touched by lost of hands? Is there a lot of dirty machinery near by, or is it a clean lab-type environment?

How are the panels attached to the walls? You have one shot with the panel removed... how did they remove it? Do you insert a tool under one edge and pry it off? If so, maybe you'd see scratches/tears/dents where others had been removed. Maybe add screws or other fasteners, handles etc. where they attach to the wall.

I's recommend looking around nline for good photo textures of metal, concrete etc. to use in your textures. I usually use two or three overlaid textures, taking advantage of Photoshop's many layer blending modes to get just the right materials. If you do this though, be aware that you'll need to take tiling into account. Making the overlay a seamless texture using ImageReady or some other tool will be necessary unless you have a border around the entire texture. I've linked to one of my favorite resources below.

I like the way you re-use parts of textures to make new textures (blue panels, dirty blue panels, removed blue panels). This makes you more productive and makes the sets look more consistent. I'd suggest you mix it up a little bit though to make it a little less obvious that you're doing it. I do this by changing my overlaid details.

I use the bevel ane emboss layer effect to set up a lot of my geometry, because man-made items tend to be regular and fairly precise, but don't overuse it or make it really obvious. Don't be afraid to introduce some irregularity or hand-paint some details if they're appropriate. If you're looking for a brand-new-ship kind of look you're good sticking with the clean, regular look, but for a more "lived-in" look you'll find yourself overriding the layer effects a lot.

The varioous wires you've made look too perfect and too clean, more like neon tubes than wires. Take alook online for examples... think thinner, less bright highlights and add some shadows for dimension. Keeo the material in mind at all times.

You're really off to a good start, and I'm interested in seeing where you take it. Oh, and are you making these for any specific scenario, or just for general use?

Mayang's textures - great free textures

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So I made a few texturesukimalefu 11/7/04 6:21 p.m.
     Re: So I made a few texturesMe_43 11/7/04 7:02 p.m.
           Re: So I made a few texturesukimalefu 11/7/04 7:25 p.m.
     Re: So I made a few texturesOri 11/7/04 8:11 p.m.
           Re: So I made a few texturesukimalefu 11/9/04 4:43 a.m.
     Re: So I made a few texturesAnaphiel 11/8/04 3:37 p.m.
           Re: So I made a few texturesukimalefu 11/9/04 4:56 a.m.
                 Re: So I made a few texturesD-M.A. 11/9/04 7:07 a.m.
                       Re: So I made a few texturesukimalefu 11/9/04 10:06 a.m.
                             updateukimalefu 11/10/04 4:33 p.m.
                                   More texturesukimalefu 12/6/04 4:39 p.m.
                                         Re: More texturesAdam Ashwell 12/6/04 4:45 p.m.
                                               Re: More texturesukimalefu 12/6/04 5:32 p.m.
                                                     Oh and one more thing...ukimalefu 12/6/04 5:40 p.m.
                                                           Re: Oh and one more thing...Simon of team Sigma 12/7/04 3:43 a.m.

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