I agree too, all the sport freaks in my class in high school were bullies. One of them got mad at me once because I let a player pass me when I was playing defence (they put all the none-sport freaks on defence), well anyways, he wacked me from behind with his hokey-club out of pure rage. I fell down on the ice and it hurt like fuck... it was also the last time I participated in hockey in that school.
: You don't think that kids are rewarded for brutal, violent behaviour when
: playing such ganteel sports as Hockey and football? I grew up in a
: "hockey town" and I know for a glaring FACT through EXPERIENCE
: that many off the kids raised with hockey on the brain were far more
: violent than the ones that were not.
: Somebody has the puck, what's the trained response? Smash 'em into the
: boards, that's what. Same goes for football; he's got the ball, get him!
: And then 10 large men commence with the attack.
: Let's not forget the origins of hockey: Lacrosse. A brutal game designed to
: train young men for WAR where the only major objective was to injure your
: opponent as much as possible.
: People don't often bother to study the effects of such things because it
: would quickly be booed down by a majority of drooling masses. Look what
: happened when they tried to ban body-checking from kids pee-wee hockey.
: There was a HUGE stink about bringing it back even though there was a
: PROVEN risk that these kids would be severely injured. And to top it all
: off, can you guess what they found out psychologically about these kids in
: their study? Yep. More prone to using violence as the first solution. As
: for the academic performance of kids, I'd have to say that it is just as
: bad if not WORSE. In my high school, where all the hockey players in town
: went, I was in an OAC english class with some that could barely read.
: Barely fucking read. Not one of them failed, as would have been right. The
: hockey jocks all passed because there is a system in place to make sure
: these punks continue hockey and not get sent back to grade 3 where they
: quit learning in the first place.
: So getting to that point that you missed, my justification for calling that
: bunk article 'wrong-headed' is based on the fact that these people are
: simply demonizing something to shift the blame away from their poor
: parenting skills.
: "Rah-rah! Ban violent video games!" Goes over a lot better with the
: public than, say, "ban american monday night football", don't
: you think?