: Getting monsters to berserk themselves is fun and creates a real sense of
: accomplishment, but it's not as much fun as just blasting them away
: yourself ;^)
Oh I agree. Using no ammo, berserking enemies, etc... can be boring. But it's all about the challenge....can I complete this level or not using no ammo....to me that's a challenge and one that I have fun trying to accomplish. :)
: John, it really amazes me that you managed to vid this. I can't imagine how
: many attempts you had to make before succeeding.
Frankly, at one time I thought this level was not vidable. But, like other times when I have felt this way, I was wrong. Given the way I play and the demands I put on myself, this is one of those rare levels where vidding is easier than playing the level. The procedure I described in my earlier post goes out the window when I attempt to vid this level. I'll use anything and everything to vid it. If you watch my film of this level, particularly the opening, you'll see that I used quite a bit of ammo. I wouldn't dare try to vid this any other way. The only level I have not been able to successfully vid is the next level "Omen". It's not a particularly hard level except for one tiny portion. :( We'll get to it in a couple of days.