Hello everyone,
After cleaning up WMaiD's shape file - I found I needed to swap one teture set for another. Problem is, this displaced about three levels that still use this other set.
I wish Forge could re-assign a texture set to an alreddy textured level... but it requires it to be nuked/paved to do so. I believe Forrest ran into this issue at one point with some of Eternal's Levels.
Apparently The Chisel plugin "Texture Munger" can select a map file, then an text file that contains a script of *which* textuset to replace the existing one with. Something along these lines:
;Mapping for level ‘choice in the void’
;Written by Index Dump application v1.1
;©1997 Chthonic Ionic Software
;Mapping Data version: 1
; Jjaro: 3
; Jjaro: 3
;End mapping file
That obviously didn't work for me, so I'm asking here if anyone knows how to modify the above script to:
Swap the "Lava: 2" texture set for the "Jjaro: 3" texture set.
Swap the "Lava: 2" scenery set for the "Jjaro: 3" scenery set.
Since my "Lava: 2" set is now the Nebulon texture set... some things need changing over to the Beach / white Jjaro texture set of mine living in slot #3.
Thanks again!