: I'm trying to download Ellio7t's 4 level scenario, "Where Angels Fear to
: Tread" from Fileball (I believe that he used the map I gave him in
: it. I know he used it in something, and I think this was it), but I can't
: download it. Once I click on the nifty little arrow thingie, it takes me
: to the page where it says, "If the download hasn't started yet, click
: on the filepath location below to start the file download." Safari
: spends forever "Contacting "ftp.fileball.net"" but
: after a while it times out. Anyone know how to get it to work, or if
: Fileball is just expriencing difficulties?
Fileball's main page said, last I checked, that there is some problem with the internet between their servers and most everybody else. They said there's nothing they can do about it on their end and they're not exactly sure what the problem is, but everybody is having horrible connection speeds to them. Or maybe I just dreamed that, this was last night at like 2AM...