: It is a bit depressing to know that somebody has Trojan working perfectly in
: Aleph One/SDL yet I am not able to play it on my Windoz box because of
: some short-sighted decision. The least they could do is simply put a
: disclaimer saying that no support will be granted, use at your own risk,
: etc.etc. Heck, most of us know this is what we get anyways. The stance of
: the Trojan team goes against everything I have ever seen in the Marathon
: community, and everything that I always thought Bungie stood for as well.
: They released the freaking source-code for us, yet the Trojan team decides
: to withhold their scenario? Give me a break. BAD FORM!
Jorge, Trojan has been ported to Windows. It's the Mac community that has been left high and dry - that is if we want to play it under OS X. You can download the Windows installer here. You will need a copy of M2 for Windows, however, but you can download that over the Internet if you don't already have it.