: Hope that helps. Sorry for the long post.
No problem - your post was extremely helpful, even if it is not what I wanted to hear. I have a question realted to this, however. Although the authors have stated explicitly that they do not want Trojan ported to AO, they themselves did port it to M2/Windows. There is a report in the forum that the M2 version works quite well in AO. For a Mac user to use the M2/Win version, however, they have to use a PC or Virtual PC to acquire a copy of M2/Win, which is no longer in retail sales, in order to create playable AO SDL content that can then be played on a Mac. Would the copyright preclude someone who has done all of this from creating a Mac patcher from the Win files to allow Mac users to create the M2/Win version of Trojan without the need for a PC or the M2/Win disk? Presumably, this would patch an original copy of M2/Mac from the MAS. I suspect so, but I'm curious.