: Not THAT many messages here are "noise" (versus signal).
Funny - my wife is always the one constantly cleaning her glasses while I wait until they're too smudged to see. Anyway, it's not just the amount of noise, but the extent of it. Just look at the number of posts in this thread. There are times, literally, when one of these errant threads takes up nearly the entire recent posts space and crowds out anything Marathon-related, and then it is more than an annoyance. I realize that the people who post to these threads are mostly oblivious to the fact that this is not an Halo forum - many of them are barely out of diapers - but as long as the threads remain open, newbies will find it and start posting to it. Now do you really think that Stephen, the kid who revived this thread, is going to suddenly develop an interest in Marathon if we all tell him to buzz off? That's pretty much what we did, isn't it? Not that I would have liked to have him back here talking about Marathon with his, ahem, golly gee wiz way cool style, but with the way we treated him, he'll never know what we're about. If the thread were locked, when he tried to post he could have received a message explaining what this forum is really about and directing him to the new bungie.org Marathon site, flawed though it may be. He might have actually learned something from the experience and developed an interest in Marathon. After all, isn't that how some of our younger posters came to this forum in the first place? Please lock this thread. If you won't lock it, at least let me set filters so I can stop from seeing this stuff.