: since enforcers are not vacuum enabled, then why are their weapons?
That's a very good question. First of all, there is a long-standing argument about the contradiction between Tycho telling us that enforcers are not vacuum enabled and the fact that there are enforcers on Post Naval Trauma, a vacuum level. No one has come up with a viable explanation other than the reality that Bungie in all liklihood f***ed up. That kind of makes your question moot, but this being the Story Forum, I'll try to come up with a reasonable explanation. Let's see - there is no reason why a laser should not work in the vacuum of space. Lasers are not designed to be vacuum enabled - they just are by nature bacause they don't need oxygen to work (yes, I know a gas laser would probably explode, but I'm talking principle, not specifics). Likewise, perhaps the enforcer's weapon was not specifically designed to be vacuum enabled, but it happens to be anyway because it does not need oxygen to function. Probably as good an explanation as any, but it doesn't explain why it doesn't work under water. Oh well, I guess some things are best left to our imaginations.