well yeah, i mentioned this as a movie but well, it's still a movie, just a short movie. ;-) Anyway like i have told you so many times, the screens look great and i hope you will get some help. And i challenge every artist here to help this man out! :-)
: A few months ago (and for the past few years) a joke was circulated about a
: Marathon movie that would never exist. In a sense, that was correct.
: Nobody is truly working on a movie based on the story of Marathon.
: However, DcBob mentioned on this forum that there in fact IS a marathon
: movie being produced right now. The truth is that it is not a movie, but
: it is rather a "short." ...And I am making it. It is called The
: Müller Project. It is based on The Lost Network Packets produced by Bungie
: (http://marathon.bungie.org/story/bungie.html).
: Currently there is only one person working on the project...me...and I must
: confess that I doubt that I'll finish this thing on my own. I have always
: been an environment arist. I can create cool looking structures and send
: cameras through them with fog and steam vents, but I can't convincingly
: animate characters. So, because of this lack of skill, I am looking for
: somebody to help with character animation and bone rigging. I can model
: and texture the characters, but I need an animator.
: .
: Here are a couple shots of the project and environments thus far: Pleast help
: even if you think that you can.