...someone pointed out that a superintelligent race like
the S’pht probably wouldn’t design a biological weapon that didn’t
actually kill its victims, but transformed them into shambling, blood
thirsty savages.
: OTOH, the general appearance of the Zombie Pfhor is very, very similar to the
: Flood from Halo. When I asked one of the other Bungie guys about this, he
: said something like "just goes to show how long Rob's been kicking
: that idea around". If they had made it into M2, it would have really
: thrown a monkeywrench into all the "marathon is|isn't in the Halo
: universe" arguments :P
Assuming that the Forerunner created the Flood in the first place. That, however, would mean that not only are the Forerunner less superintelligent than the S'pht (quiet down back there, you hooligans), but that the Forerunner are, in fact, really stupid. ;-)