: The next room is a fairly pointless trap: If you walk into the area in the
: center, Michael and Joshua will both come out of the pillars and kill you.
: Next, you have to shotgun a switch (the one on the left, through the door)
: in the distance to raise the bridge to get across. If you're out of
: shotgun shells, there are an infinite supply on the east side of the
: ambush room.
: If you go counter-clockwise (as you face the bridge) around the room (to
: avoid activating Michael and Joshua), a couple of shotgun shells will
: teleport in on the west side.
Sorry Mark. I just now realized your paragraph above (the first one) is talking about the same thing I am in the second paragraph. My fault for not reading yours more carefully.
However, it does raise a question I have about the regenerating Shotgun ammo. The level is set to have an initial count of 14 shells, infinite regeneration, and a Maximum number of 10. Twelve of the original 14 are in the room containing the 2x recharger. The other 2 teleport into this ambush room. Suppose the player uses up these two shells and has no more shells available. The game will regenerate 10 more shells right? But is it possible that they could all regenerate back in the 2x room? So the player might not have access to any more shells even though there are an infinite supply? Am I correct with that?