I've made 300 dpi large scale images of all the primary logos in the Marathon trilogy with the exception of the Pfhor and Circular Infinity Jjaro logos (all those curves, yikes! Difficult to do with Photoshop's retarded cousin, Adobe Photodeluxe...).
For now, I'm only offering the S'pht logon in Yellow on a Black Tshirt. Perhaps in the future, through Steve Campbell's Forerunners.org network, I'll offer The Toth-Style Jjaro logon, among others.
Once the ordering system there is up and running, of course.
Overwhelmingly people want the smaller Logo.
That works fine for me.
Thanks to everyone who's emailed their order into marathonshirts@mail.com alreddy. I've read everyone's emails - and will be responding to everyone with individualized shipping quotes based on their address + item price + payment methods after the shirts are actually produced.
Keep the orders coming people!
-Blayne [Ernie]