: I trust this comment is not blatantly anti-Mac? Because, I'm sorry, but I
: just can't stand people who rag about how much the Mac supposedly
: "sucks". I guess it's because I was raised in a very pro-Mac
: family but surrounded by a shitload of PC using anti-Macies who won't
: shutup about how much they hate the Mac.
I've been in Mac support for 15 years, mostly design houses.
Have owned almost every model from the Apple 2c to my current machine - G4 500 AGP Gfx - and had a substantial role in beta testing Photoshop in 1988 and VideoWorks which later became (after MANY rev's) Flash.
I personally know friends of The Woz and used Mac's to do all my bands recording.
So no, when I say "my Mac is slow" I mean "I have a slow Mac"