: I don't know which ones have been counted, but are you referring to the one
: being reflected in a visor?
Ding Ding Ding, We have a winner.
Now to make sure we're all on the same page, Here's my official list of Craig Mullins' S'pht.
1. "Envy" chapter screen, 1st row, 1st column Fusion bob next to a dead S'pht'kr
2,3,4. 4th picture 2nd row, 1st column: Big S'pht in the forground, one in the background, and if you look closely enough at the first one's shiny head, you should see what is immistakably the reflection of another S'pht. Gotta give props to Craig He's big on detail.
5. "Rage" chapter screen, 3rd row, 3rd column. This one's open to criticism, but I'm pretty sure that's a S'pht gargoyle our Pfhor staff weilding cybord friend is standing over.
6,7. "S'pht'kr" chapter screen, 4th row, 3rd column. Two S'pht'kr, and they seem happy to meet you.
8."Citidel" chapter screen, 5th row, 1st column. There's been a lot of debate as to what the hell this thing is supposed to be. But it's obviously a S'pht in one form or another
9,10,11,12. "Captured" chapter screen, 5th row, 2nd column. There are four S'pht imprisoned with you. Hmmm, I wonder who the "Bitch" was in this relationship.
13. 6th row, 2nd column. No secrets here, although I think the Security officer in this picture looks a little "turned on".
That should be it. Feel free to chim in with any I may have missed.
Drive your cart and plow over the bones of the dead.
Wejam the Carter