I am way too lazy to even try that... And i have always been hooked to both A1 and Marathon era graphics.. The graphics when playing Minf without A1 isn't the problem, it's the starting-classic-that-is-kinda-buggy-with-marathon thing that sucks. hehe.
: Ok, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up on these things, but I just
: downloaded Rubicon and rubicon AO light. But I haven't yet figured out how
: the hell I'm supposed run rubicon on OSX with the benifits of Aleph One.
: When I run A1 in the rubicon folder it gives me some crap about the
: shapes, sounds ect. files not being loaded. When I play M? on A1 with the
: rubicon files installed but then the sound doesn't work. I downloaded an
: updater which is supposed to do . . . something but I can't even get that
: to work. I can play Rubicon AO by its self fine, but . . . come on I've
: been hooked on A1 quality graphics I can't go back to M? era graphics.