Looking For Lost Relatives
I'm looking for relatives in Jamaica and the United Kingdom with the (last) name Sinclair and/or Cavallier to get in touch. Any information please send it to my email.
Good luck with your search, Gerardo. Sinclair is perhaps one of the most common last names from anyone with anglo ascendancy. A lot of jamaicans come down here to Panamá to "pay us a visit" (sneak-in drugs, or work as prostitutes, or sneak-out drugs, or just sell the damn drugs) and I think half of them are named Sinclair (the other half are Jean-something). There are some Chevallier over here too, but no Cavallier (except for the cars). Once again, good luck.
Oh, by the way, I'm looking for lost relatives in the United States. Anyone with the name John or Jane Doe, please contact me.