I have taken it upon myself to draw as many AIs from both the canon games and fan scenarios as possible, but after taking care of the former group, I hit a snag: there seems to be a dearth of information on a good deal of mods, and thus I can't find most AIs' insignias or text colours (two elements I've been basing my designs around). While I do hope to one day play the scenarios that got ported to AlephOne, the ones that require Infinity to run are out of the question unless I can figure out how to get MI to work on my eMac (and even then, mouselook is really laggy and jittery for some reason).
'twas wondering if anyone here could help me out. The ones I'm most interested in at the moment (note that I've already drawn the Rubicon guys and Hathor) are:
* Hobbes and Wanda (An AI Called Wanda; might've found the latter's symbol and colour already, but no idea about Hobbes)
* Jason and Karuma (The Grey Incident; for the latter, I'll also need their gender)
* Egon (Return to Marathon)
* Merlin (DinBD/Excalibur; I do have his insignia, but not colour)
* Hyperion (Dissent; two screencaps make reference to "Edison" and "Endymion" which may or may not be other AIs?)
* The AI in Marathon: Atlantis
* Whatever AIs are in Evil, RED, and Phoenix
There's also the implied new AI from the incomplete scenario "Durandal's Son" which I can't even download because the host site requires a password I don't have. As far as my priorities go, though, completed scenarios are at the top.