Just read this for the first time now. Its been a while since I read Tour of Duty. pleased with the wrtieup as usual, it should come in handy if I get Tempus Irae myself, but I've been replaying the trilogy and the mods in order to start on Rubicon, and see the original game in Aleph one as opposed to M1A1 that I first started this series on.
Anyway, I don't know if anyone has asked yet but after this one is done, can I do some write-ups for Eternal? I'd quite like to cover some of the Shield world levels, a few of the win/lose dreams and some Lh'owon and Marathon levels too, particularly the return to Citadel ones.
It's because Eternal was my first of the mods after I finished the trilogy, and it feels like the writing quality of Black Mesa even though it is quite excessive. We also get to see more of the Jjaro technology, such as the duel laser rapiers and the BFPH gun (Big Fucking Portable Halo) as I like to call it.
I don't know how to get screenshots of the terminals though. Do I just hit print-screen every section and paste it into a word document?