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Re: What I want in a rerelease *LINK* | ||
Posted By: Dispatcher | Date: 5/30/15 5:27 a.m. | |
In Response To: Re: What I want in a rerelease (Matt) : There is another possibility not on your list, but it's pretty close to
: I'm not saying it'll 100% For Sure Never Happen. I am just some guy on the
: –Matt If its not likely to be a "brand new Marathon sequel" (Marathon 4: the Wrath of Khansoles) ... AND ... Destiny sales/ ratings goals are met and a small team works on a game codenamed Marathon (de ja vu) ... to me this means that one or more of the original trilogy titles might be recreated in the context of Destiny engine technologies. Since I only play games on my computer (a Mac); it would seem that if I ever get to play the new Marathon, it will be years away. I'm not a console player by choice; I don't like their controllers and I don't want to buy another platform when I already have one that suits my needs. As for games, the ones I like typically find their way to the Mac or release to it from the beginning (KSP, the Half-life and Portal series come to mind). I still have Halo; a pity that M$ rushed it out the door rather than as a polished and much more interesting product. I watched Destiny let's - play videos (mostly Narcogen and Backstar) and have been completely underwhelmed by the game (not the videos), or I would have changed my console stance and gotten Destiny. But that's not to say its sales are lackluster: http://www.cnet.com/news/destiny-sales-exceed-325m-in-first-five-days-despite-meh-reviews/ Let's face it; every company or organization grows and changes. Bungie's not the same as it was and its titles will be new (at least in technologies and probably in content as well). I'm glad that dedicated people took the M2 source code and wrangled Aleph One out of it; I still fire up the trilogy or a 3rd party scenario once or twice a year. Thanks to everyone who brought us those. Whatever happens with a "new" Marathon, I hope each of us will be pleasantly surprised!
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