: I have a soft spot for this level just because Durandal calls us "old
: friend" and saves us from Tycho dumping us in space. It warms the
: cockles of my heart, it really does. WE'RE FRIENDSSSSSSSSSS.
: As to humans being on the ship, in M2 there were still some left on Boomer
: even after the base was established on Lh'owon for them, presumably
: because they still had work to do on the ship or just hadn't had a chance
: to beam down yet. Just like here, part of our job on Boomer was holding
: off the attack so the remaining free S'pht and humans could get down to
: the planet.
Speaking of that, it really bugs me how we never get to fight alongside free S'pht (other than the S'pht'Kr) in M2. After the last few levels of M1, we never see even the free S'pht until Infinity, and when we do, we're still fighting them, either because we're working for Tycho or because they're going insane.
I really wanted to be on these guy's side again, just once.