Reading through the archives, I noticed the "4,000,000 square feet" reference from Bungie's press release. As I'm knee-deep in the deadPiD maps right now, I wondered how accurate that statement is.
The 25 maps in the full game contain a total of 11,255 sectors that aren't solid rock. (Basically, this counts all non-black squares from the sector map image.) A sector is roughly, I don't know, eight feet across? Nine at the most? That's a max of 81 square feet per sector, which gives us 11,255 * 81 = 911,655 square feet.
That's all? Under a million square feet? You'd need THREE more full games' worth of levels, PLUS the demos, to reach Bungie's "over 4 million" number. Somebody revoke their Realtor® license for false advertising!
Maybe they're counting the walls, you say, like measuring the outside perimeter of a house to estimate the square footage inside. Maybe nobody's found the secret shovel that lets you dig your own passageways. Well, each level is 32 x 32 sectors in size. The outer edges are always walls, so you only get 30 x 30 as usable space, but we'll be generous. Maybe those hallways are bigger than they look too: let's bump up our estimate to 10 feet on a side. 32 * 32 * 100 sq. ft./sector = 102,400 square feet per level. At 25 levels, that gives 2,560,000 square feet.
Even cheating the numbers heavily in Bungie's favor, we're sill not close to Merchandise Mart numbers. Are they counting unexplored catacombs we teleported past, somewhere in the 2000m between Don't Get Poisoned and Ok, Who Wants Some? Did they plan to ship a PiD 20/10 level pack with the missing square footage? Demand the tru7h!