
Re: Treell Ama
Posted By: Forrest of B.orgDate: 8/4/11 6:02 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Treell Ama (treellama)

: I like RPG-FPS games like Deus Ex and Bioshock, because the controls are
: simple, but you can do a lot with the world. Simple controls, decent
: gameplay, some semblance of a story, and a very well-crafted and memorable
: world. There's your recipe. Just like Marathon :)

Some suggestions for Agent Mr. Smith, from the cob-webbed corners of my mind from back in the days when I was building a genre-bending first-person action-strategy-rpg, to keep it simple, like Treellama suggests.

Have a toggle key between point-and-use and point-and-command modes. In either mode your linear motion through the world is controlled by WASD-type keyboard input, but in point-and-use mode, your viewpoint moves to keep your focus (crosshair) centered in it, like a FPS (e.g. Marathon), while in point-and-command mode, your viewpoint remains static as you move your focus (cursor) within it, until you hit the edge of the screen, at which point your view turns, like a RTS (e.g. Myth).

In point-and-use mode, clicking will use the object you are holding, e.g. fire a gun, toward where you click. One type of modifier click will place the object you are holding where you click, i.e. drop/throw, whereas another type of modifier click will pick up the object you are pointing at (if it's loose), or at least grab it (if it's fixed), from which point you can carry it (if it's loose) or push or pull it (if it's fixed) by moving, or use it (if it's usable) with an action key.

An inventory widget allows you to see and rearrange what you are carrying or storing on your person. Different sectors of your body have different carrying capacities, e.g. you might have a pistol on each hip and a SPNKR slung over your shoulders, with a lock pick and a sonic screwdriver on your respective calves, etc.

In point-and-command mode, clicking will select the object you click, e.g. a Bob, and allow to you to give it commands. You can order it to either go to somewhere or something, or to do something to someplace or something. What "do something" means is determined by the nature of the thing: attack an enemy, flip a switch, heal an ally, pick up an object, etc. "Going to" another unit means following it, of course.

As you issue orders, a queue of them builds up (ala the Sims) but with newer commands taking priority over older commands unless you intentionally reverse that with a modifier key (ala setting waypoints in Myth with shift-clicks). So "go here", "go there" will be interpreted as "go here... wait no, go there first", whereas "go here", [mod+] "go there" will be interpreted as "go here, then when you get here, go there". If possible, a unit will go somewhere and do something at the same time, in priority of the queue: e.g. "engage these enemies", "go here away from them" will command a fighting retreat, whereas "go here away from these enemies", "engage them" will command the unit to defeat the enemies, and then when they are dead, go there. So you can tell a Bob, "Kill those fighters, then when you're done, go flip this switch, check that ledge by the door, and come find me" in a few clicks.

A pie-wedge-shaped widget allows you to control the initiative and aggression of the unit's "standing orders": setting the control dot at the tip of the wedge is no initiative, meaning the unit will do exactly as you command without any thought to the consequences, whereas setting the control dot at the edge of the wedge is full initiative, meaning the unit will do what it thinks best regardless of specific orders given to it, and places in the middle give different amounts of initiative. Radial placement around the wedge controls aggression: clockwise placement means the unit will go out of its way (to the degree you've given it initiative) to do things, e.g. attack enemies, flip switches, etc, as it goes about its business, whereas counterclockwise placement means the unit will go out of its way (given initiative) to avoid doing things, e.g. it will run from enemies, avoid picking up items, etc. Full initiative full aggression is thus "search and destroy", where full initiative no aggression is "run and hide". Half initiative full aggression plus a move command would be "go here, and kill anything / flip any switches / pick up any goodies you find along the way". Etc.

That's all that shakes out of the cobwebs for now but I'll let you know if I remember anything else.

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Marathon Renascentpoenadare 7/31/11 4:36 p.m.
     Re: Marathon Renascentthoth43 7/31/11 6:45 p.m.
           Controlling Bobpoenadare 7/31/11 6:56 p.m.
     Re: Marathon Renascent *LINK*Jabberwok 7/31/11 8:22 p.m.
           Re: Marathon RenascentJabberwok 7/31/11 8:24 p.m.
           Re: Marathon Renascentpoenadare 8/1/11 3:27 a.m.
     Re: Marathon RenascentBob-B-Q 8/1/11 6:56 a.m.
           Re: Marathon Renascentpoenadare 8/1/11 8:11 a.m.
                 Re: Marathon RenascentJabberwok 8/1/11 9:00 a.m.
                       Re: Marathon Renascentpoenadare 8/1/11 10:22 a.m.
                 Re: Marathon RenascentCraig Hardgrove 8/3/11 7:16 a.m.
                       Re: Marathon Renascentpoenadare 8/3/11 7:24 a.m.
     @ treellama and otherspoenadare 8/3/11 6:48 a.m.
           Re: @ treellama and otherstreellama 8/3/11 3:14 p.m.
                 Treell Amapoenadare 8/3/11 5:37 p.m.
                       Re: Treell Amatreellama 8/3/11 6:47 p.m.
                             Tre Ella Mapoenadare 8/4/11 4:06 a.m.
                             Re: Treell AmaForrest of B.org 8/4/11 6:02 p.m.
                                   For Restpoenadare 8/5/11 4:04 a.m.
     Bungie's own Marathon RPGHopper 8/4/11 8:58 a.m.
     Destinypoenadare 8/4/11 10:09 a.m.
           Re: DestinyGodot 8/4/11 11:17 a.m.
                 Re: Destinypoenadare 8/4/11 11:50 a.m.

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