Hello all,
Before studies in my 2nd year of university overtake me (and the reading list for my SF English class!) I wanted to hash out some ideas, with the forums help.
Now, I recal the stages of rampancy having some kind of relationship to the word Aye Mack Secur. Now, after you've all finished laughing at my butchering of that word - what are the stages of rampancy? For some bizarre reason, the MSP's Rampancy section doesn't have them all listed.
Only "...Melancholia, Anger, and Jealousy" are listed at the top.
Now, for another Rampancy-related question:
Does everyone agree Durandal, by the end of M:Inf (or perhaps Rubicon, but that's another story) is existing in a arrested stage of Rampancy? If so, what one? If Durandal,(or any Ai) was left in a vaccume to exist for a milennia - would he still be in the same state he is when Marathon 2 ends - or something beyond that? I'd love everyones input.
Thanks again,