Yes, like everybody say the best bet to find players is on the Aleph One chat room on iChat/AIM. Many other places are also possible like (hotline server) where lots of bungie fans stay and chat and most of the time there should be A1 players there.
There was a website in the work once that was specialized for A1 Multiplayer. You could register there and be listed in the player database, people could then add you to their AIM/ICQ/MSN/YAHOO contact list and bug you whenever you were online. It was also filled with tutorials on how to set up a net game and how to fix many problems. But the making of that website halted and is dead now. There was a beta version up with an ongoing player database but i think it's dead now. But maybe if people are interested it could be resurrected.
(the website was in the works by me and Jerry Nummi)
: All systems work for online play. The main place to meet and play is the
: Aleph One chat room via AIM or iChat or equivalent. There is also a yahoo
: group, where you can try and stir up some activity. I think that play has
: been a little slack lately, a lot of the regulars have drifted off. If you
: want to play, message me on iChat, my screen name is OriG3. I can help you
: get a game going. Hope to see you soon.
: -Ori