A month ago or so, we had an extended discussion on one of the least touched upon client races of the Jjaro: the Nahk (sp?).
They are mentioned briefly by Durandal in regards to their slave rebellion which ended with the Pfhor, (their enslavers Post-Jjaro exiting the universe) using the Trith Xleem on their worlds suns.
Now, after fiddling around with my "DAMARUS!" figure from Unreal Tournament, I was struck at how much that Lizard creature looked like an Covenant soldier of some type.
Now, the following may border on heresy but:
What if, in the Marathon Universe (which is totally separate from the Halo one, although they may share an common time line perhaps before PiD) the Lizard-type client race of the Jjaro didn't rise to galactic power.
Instead of forming a "covenant", the Nahk were subjugated by an more powerful and advanced race, the insectille Pfhor. The Pfhor plundered Jjaro tech to an greater degree before others races could gave them an greater advantage. Perhaps the Nahk, (a true client race of the Jjaro) held more religious reverage for their creators technology. Thus, they were less apt to rip it appart and reverse engineer it as the Pfhor did.
We all know these our favorite Halo Reptile species are proud (one need only look to the actions of Halo's elites, and their Honor-in-Battle system). It's my interpretation that their species would not to take lightly on their domination by an race of insects - creatures obviously lower on the evolutionary chain than Reptiles.
Thus, the slave revolts. The Nahk are wiped from the face of the galaxy shortly there after. No chance to rise to power.
I recall Forrest figuring this out:
Pfhor slave Revolts:
1st - Drinniol - the worst
2nd - Nahk - not as bad, but still bad
3rd - S'pht - less bad than the Nahk
Given that the events of the S'pht slave revolt the player / Durandal wittness were fairly devistating to the Pforish Empire ... the Nahk must have been fairly strong opponents to rank higher than the S'pht rebellion.
Initially, I invisioned the Nahk as a race of palid, skinny workers. That old conception of mine doesn't exactly fit with their races actions. Besides, who *wouldn't* want an Reptile race in Marathon? : D
I'd like every ones input on this. In WMaiD the outpost world orbiting the Rogue star (see M2 end screen) houses some Pre-S'pht Jjaro genetic engineering centers - I'd like to include some Terminal pictures / textures that play up this reptile-Nahk races' role.
I'm even giving the Nebulons (although they're all dead when you arrive on ther scout ship) an cameo. Hurray for the extended Mara-verse.
: )
-Blayne [ernie]