(Sorry, the "...Sir..." didn't fit in the post title.)
This level is an "interlude" before some of the most difficult combat the scenario has yet seen (and that's saying a lot). Read some terminals, and get an update on the progress of the war. There are pattern buffers and shield/oxygen chargers all over the ship, as well as quite a lot of rooms to explore. About half the terminals are Ian's increasingly agitated demands for you to get to the bridge, but some of them are more interesting. In the science lab to the northeast, there's a terminal explaining how the Metalloids work- They're collections of nanomachines that gather material from the environment and form it into larger organisms. This is very similar to the way the Organic infection on level 3 progressed- First microbes, then intelligence, then larger organisms. There are a few terminals influenced by Michael, especially in the room directly south of the bridge. There are also some terminals from a spiteful AI who enjoys messing around with the doors on the ship. When you're done looking around, talk to Ian on the bridge. The war is not going well- half the colony has been wiped out (pshht! just like that) and the enemy is only getting stronger as they use human wreckage and casualties to increase their own ranks. The brothers have set aside their differences for the moment and the Metalloids and Organics are cooperating to utterly crush the human resistance. As the strongest remaining soldier, you're being sent to no man's land for an infiltration mission. A Pfhor ship crashed on the planet not too long ago, and the brothers seem to be very interested in it. The terminal ends with a small joke - yes, it damn well is your fault, Ian :P
Time to find out who this Mister Jaggy is...