/-/S'pht-Translator-Active/-/ |
arrival.bungie.org | ||
Posted By: Siphonopho | Date: 3/13/04 6:51 p.m. | |
I've never understood what that website is for. All it has is a cryptic "hmm" as the title, and two text fields which I can assume are for use of log-in and passwords. But what exactly does it do? What's behind it all? And where's my dinner? |
Replies: |
arrival.bungie.org | Siphonopho | 3/13/04 6:51 p.m. | |
Re: arrival.bungie.org | Adam Ashwell | 3/14/04 4:52 a.m. | |
Re: arrival.bungie.org | deathmonger | 3/14/04 5:05 a.m. | |
Re: arrival.bungie.org | Ojo | 3/14/04 5:26 a.m. | |
Re: arrival.bungie.org | Siphonopho | 3/14/04 5:51 a.m. | |
Re: arrival.bungie.org | Johannes Gunnar | 3/14/04 8:22 a.m. | |
Re: arrival.bungie.org | Vid Boi | 3/14/04 8:31 a.m. |
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