
Pfhor Enforcers Use Alien Weapons
Posted By: ZOGDate: 1/15/04 2:34 p.m.

Just to let you all know, Pfhor Enforcers use alien weapons, cuz' Once I went over to a frog and I asked him: “ what time is itj?” and he said about how the square root of a million equaled nothing .d;akldsj I wanttt to sjust write something that doesn’t make sense. So there I was, pelting everybody with kangaroo carcasses. D;lkj So there I went to the calendar with a pet dog and a big VCR. Do you want to know what to do. Do you what? Do you do anything? Do ddnimf. I sl;dlkjho M do you do you eeat pinapples> I’m not monkey wrenching. Si. Yes. Pl ease do you do basketball for a hotdog? Aty:Dlk Labyrinth of shacabob smear. I can’t stop freewriting for peo9ple. This is outrageous?& 6 6kl So s; … How could you use a scorning bubble . Yes pelt all of the frogs with smsal;dlj. Monkey wrenching has the toolbar if once a had wit??!! ? For ever do you have a toolbar>L Oops. Yes; SO S:s :S:S:S. … I believe that I am going to drown in molasssessss I want to go crush a greasy speakerphin e into bite sized pieces. Ssssssss Though none of this makes since I:sd I ;d Iw;l Iw;lk IW;lkdj;ofiIIIIII>.//;…. N

I can’t beloive this
Non oe this makes since at all
Oh please
It’s all been heard before.
Ho hum
It doesn’t matter if yyou pelt a frog with WiiiWTTT??!!!!!!
Dead? I like cheese!

I stuck slith pen into the nutcase of dimension PowerMac G5, while surfing up and stuffing the ranch dressing up the neutronic nuclear reactor, so the lunar stickups would heave VCRS AT ME… So I could use a busstop to paralyze the Kentucky Fried Chicken. I hope to inspire the empire of the percent sign, and neutralize the greasy oily carcass. I then through the window through the baseball too much to the clipboards of destiny who went to the door and told me, “I just wrote in my diary that I can’t be bereathing”. I couldn’t believe this joke and went onto a safari questo presto pesto sauce to the land of print typewriting, and made all of the Jabba the huts seeem like nothing, before going over to the police department to seee what type of donuts they got, but it turned out they were stale calvin and hobbes books, where an upside down biker took up shooting crocodile hunters of most bizarre fate before his great great great great grandfather gave him tiburcoluses and so I went over to the door where Colonel Sanders and Microsoft Entourage threatened they’d brag about how they can’t get to sleep, and drown themselves in molasses and horrible boiling grease 37 45. I could have to go stalking the stairway with a bunch of chunks of cheese, and actually got jo schmo to calculate the square root of pizza funds, to take all cans of nuclear war and press the escape button causing the entire country of Greece to surrender all of the Quails and Resources and kept saluting the Tomato sauce covered stuffed charged power paks. Everyone got binded to the prime minister of winsconsin and I proceeded to the moving sidewalk with a bunch of letters o and e, who kept asking the gods for flea collars, and I evacuated sector 6 to a bunch of basketballs who always took calculators for crispy fried idiots and told me to hit everyone with a feather. So everyone took off to the musket of strange>?

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Pfhor Enforcers Use Alien WeaponsZOG 1/15/04 2:34 p.m.
     Brain...melting....ow... *NM*Zeus 1/15/04 4:32 p.m.
     Re: Pfhor Enforcers Use Alien WeaponsBob-B-Q 1/15/04 4:41 p.m.
           I WASN'T hangovered. uh, fuck you cuz' i'm ZOG!!!! *NM*ZOG 1/15/04 5:04 p.m.
           LMAO!!! *NM*HamburgerBoy 1/15/04 5:45 p.m.
     Re: Pfhor Enforcers Use Alien WeaponsSpeaker-To-Animals 1/15/04 5:11 p.m.
     Judgement: Spam *NM*Mista_B 1/15/04 7:04 p.m.
     Re: Pfhor Enforcers Use Alien Weaponsthermoplyae 1/16/04 3:28 a.m.
           Uh, fuck you cuz' I'm ZOG!!! *NM*ZOG 1/16/04 4:14 a.m.
                 Grow up or leave us alone! *NM*Johannes Gunnar 1/16/04 5:52 a.m.
                       Yeah! No new people allowed! *cough* *NM*Mista_B 1/16/04 10:04 a.m.
                             Uh, fuck you cuz' I'm ZOG!!! *NM*ZOG 1/16/04 3:40 p.m.
                                   Uh, sod off cuz' you're a prick! *NM*CATS 1/16/04 5:32 p.m.
                                         Mebbe a bot? Thrice has he (it?) used "ufycIZ!!!" *NM*Lunair 1/16/04 6:03 p.m.
                                               No! Marco Polo. Uh, fuck you cuz' I'm ZOG!!! *NM*ZOG 1/18/04 9:42 a.m.
                                                     Re: No! Marco Polo. Uh, fuck you cuz' I'm ZOG!!!Bob-B-Q 1/19/04 5:46 a.m.
                                                           Re: No! Marco Polo. Uh, fuck you cuz' I'm ZOG!!!Adam Ashwell 1/19/04 6:20 a.m.

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