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Posted By: Interactive Civilian <tadpole_005@yahoo.com>
Date: 30 May 2001, 21:39
in the third quadrant (lower left), is that Braille?
Call me crazy, but the 4 dots make me think of the Braille letter "x". Is it saying "< x"? If so, then perhaps it is a mathematical statement, going in the order of quadrants that we all learned in geometry:
8c < xe
where, in the first quadrant we have ӻ or the Japanese character for 8 (though something doesn't entirely look right for that...btw, switch your browser encoding to Japanese Auto-detect to see that character), the second we have "c", the third we have "< x" and the fourth we have "e".
I dunno...perhaps I'm reaching a bit here...but Braille is the first thing I thought of when I saw it...
Any thoughts?
(cross posted to Marathon's Story Forums)
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