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Another Part of the Puzzle?

Posted By: RaptorNoJoe
Date: 16 June 2001, 14:43

I have no idea if anyone else has already looked at this, but...

Go to bungie.org, and look at the upper left part (where the bungie.org logo is, with the marine helmet in the circle). There are some numbers there that look like the sort of hexadecimal numbers you'd see in ResEdit or something. They look like this:

0688 0003 4E56 FB4A
48E7 1318 4878

I put them into a ResEdit resource straight as they are, but it doesn't look like much:


I tried moving them up or down by one place, but I'm not sure how to change an "F" to a higher number without taking up more spaces (an "F" would change into a "10", thereby taking up two spaces instead of one... Not sure what to do). And about moving a zero down a place; can you have negative hexadecimal numbers? I've no clue.

Plus, there's the little circle just at the end of the "g" in "bungie.org" that looks reminiscent of a clock. It looks like it's pointing right in between one and two (one thirty, maybe?). Maybe it has something to do with it as well.

Any ideas? Or maybe someone has already discussed this whole thing. I don't visit these forums often. Worth a try, though.


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